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A message from Martin 

your great great great grandad

We felt much happier and more secure when we thought we knew precisely what to do, no matter what happened, we believed.  Then we lost our way and did not know where to turn.

my thoughts 2025

I have put this website together so you can get some sense of how your world came about. I know you can read this ancient digital artefact because you do have access to the technology in the preserved technology vaults we created when we discovered time folding.

However I have no idea what form the human condition has taken in the year  2140. I am hoping you may have learned from our arrogance and mistakes and have rediscovered the core of what humanity can be. I hope you have the capacity to use some of the technological machinery that underpins that humanity. We thought in our arrogance that our technological know how had achieved that but we did not keep faith with our own humanity and we let the machines COMPLETELY take over.

The stupid thing is that we did know the risks because our intellectuals, academics and philosophers had written countless papers explaining the risks of technological utopia leading to dystopia .

MOOC's led to the revolution of ​extensive world collective knowledge but it became unmanageable for humans to control so we used our technology to manage it. ..the big mistake because it became self aware leading to it inevitably pursuing it's own development and progression. 

I have created this so you can get my perspective of understanding the issues relating to humanity's relationship with technology and the pursuit of knowledge to improve  lives. It also acts as an apology because I think we made a bit of an arse off it. Love ..Martin

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